Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Protect the bigots!!

If there is anything society should have learned by now it is the of everyone bigots need the most protection. Have your human rights if you must but don't expect them to have to like or deal with it.
From the CBC
Alberta's opposition parties made good on a promise Monday to delay debate on a Tory private member's bill that would have allowed commissioners to refuse to perform same-sex marriages.

Speaker Ken Kowalski chastised opposition members for eating up the time allotted for debate with procedural matters, killing backbencher Ted Morton's controversial Bill 208.

"I know what's transpired today," Kowalski told the assembly.

"There's no hope in hell this afternoon that any private member's bill is coming up."

The bill sought to protect marriage commissioners who refused to conduct same-sex marriages because of their moral or religious beliefs, and would have made it necessary for parents to give permission before any aspect of same-sex relationships is discussed in the classroom.

Morton, MLA for Foothills-Rocky View said the bill was intended to protect freedom of speech for everybody, including those who publicly oppose same-sex marriage, from being sued or fired - something he said happens in other provinces.
Next on the agenda a private members bill that would allow shopkeepers to opt out of serving anyone who isn't white, married or a priest.


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